Iokwe and Welcome to WUTMI!

Women United Together Marshall Islands (WUTMI) is a chartered non-government, not-for-profit organization. We work to advance the causes and improve the lives of Marshallese women and their families. Serving as the voice of women in the Marshall Islands, the primary goal of WUTMI is to support and strengthen Marshallese women, and in so doing, to strengthen Marshallese families. WUTMI seeks to encourage and ensure activities that preserve and strengthen the values of traditional Marshallese culture as well as addressing the realities of modern life in the islands. You can discover here WUTMI's work in the Marshall Islands.
Substance Abuse Prevention Program for girls and young mothers

Strategic Prevention Framework Partnership for Success – LEJMANJURI WUTMI’s Substance Abuse Prevention Program closely works with KUMIT Bobrae Coalition to assist in WUTMI Chapter recruitment, development and coordination of activities including assessment, capacity building, strategic planning, implementation of evidence-based practices and evaluation focusing on out of school girls and young…
Domestic Violence Counseling Service Project

Together with Australian Aid through Pacific Women Shaping Pacific Development (Pacific Women), Women United Together Marshall Islands (WUTMI) are endeavoring to reduce domestic violence and expand support services for women who are survivors of domestic violence through the establishment of the first ever domestic violence counseling service in the Republic…
Past Projects
Women in Leadership Media Campaign – Funded by USAid, the Women in Leadership Media Campaign was developed to enhance the GEL project. The project researches traditional women’s leadership roles and stages a media campaign based on that research using television, print, radio and newspapers. The Women in Leadership Media Campaign…
WUTMI new website soon online
Clementine Ellasos is currently developing a new website for WUTMI. Check back often to see it evolve.