16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence

16 Days of Activism

Join us for the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women March begins tomorrow, Wendesday, November 25, 2015 4:30 Delap Park to CMI ‘Komman bwe jelalokjen en bolemen non aoleb”

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2015 WUTMI annual Conference

The second week of October, the annual WUTMI conference will be held at ICC. The conference will include training, speakers and will detail the programs that will be roll-out during the next 12 months. Chapters members will have the opportunity to meet with each others, as members from most outer…

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Parents As Teachers Proposal

Proposal to Ministry of Education Republic of the Marshall Islands Majuro, MH 96960 October 1, 2011 – September 30, 2012 Parents As Teachers (PAT) PAT Vision: “All parents will be their child’s best first teacher” Introduction: Women United Together Marshall Islands (WUTMI) is currently entering into its ninth and last…

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Parents as Teachers Project

Parents As Teachers

WUTMI’s Parents as Teachers project provides consultations on Special Education; holds 4 quarterly parental workshops/social events; participates in additional parental group sessions at four of the public elementary schools in Majuro, and conducted numerous home visits with its targeted and enrolled families. WUTMI has advanced this project, particularly toward the…

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